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Serves: 6

Serves: 6
Cooking time: 11 minutes
Total time: 16 minutes

• www.seriouseats.com/ is right. We at www.chefdedecuisine.com have been making hard-boiled eggs using this method for years.
• Starting the eggs in boiling water reduces the degree to which the white sticks to the shell, improving your chances of getting the shell off without damaging the egg later (though with eggs, there are no guarantees specially with the very fresh eggs; the whites may at times stick to the shell).
• Limiting the batch size to a maximum of 6 eggs per 3 quarts water guarantees that the timing is correct. (More eggs than that in this volume of water could lower the temperature too much and change the cooking time.)
Make-Ahead and Storage Shell-on hard-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Once the shell is removed, they can be refrigerated for up to 1 day.


  • 1 tray of ice cubes (optional; for serving cold)
    3 quarts (2.8 l) water
    6 large eggs


  • If serving eggs cold, add 1 tray of ice cubes to a large bowl and fill with water.

    Bring 3 quarts (2.8 l) water to a boil in a large pot. Carefully lower eggs into pot and continue to boil for 30 seconds. Cover tightly, reduce heat to low (water should maintain a bare simmer), and continue cooking for 11 minutes.
    Serve immediately if serving hot. If serving cold, immediately place eggs in bowl of ice water and allow to cool for at least 15 minutes before peeling under cool running water.

    To peel, first gently tap hard-boiled eggs all over to thoroughly crack the shell, then remove shell under a thin stream of running water. (The water helps get under the shell and lift it off the egg.)
    main ingredients: type of dish: main   cuisine: France  
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